On Sat, 23 Sep 2006, Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Generaly I am working with Pages (3x2) but now I need several
> independant Desktops without starting a second or third xserver.

Not sure why you'd want it

Historically I have this in my .fvwm2rc

DeskTopName 0 Main DeskTop
DeskTopName 1 Secondary DeskTop
DeskTopSize 2x2

"unfortunately" all desktops must have the same number of pages and page 

The idea when I did this was to use the main desktop as my working area 
(xterms and alike) and the secondary desktop for special/network 
applications. In fact I still start firefox in desk 1 pag 1, and an xterm 
with pine (mail) in desk 1 pag 3. I used to start a VNC viewer on my old 
remote Alpha in desk 1 pag 2, but since that's now almost always off, I 
end up using the two desktops more or less as additional pages.

I also added this to the typical window menu, so I can force a window to 
occupy a given page in a given desktop from the menu ...

AddToMenu windowops "Window menu (Shift-Alt-Space)"   Title 
... originl content
 + "&0ccupy desktop and page ..."  Popup windowsend     

AddToMenu windowsend
# "Send to ..." Title
 + "&desk ..." Popup windowwspmenu
 + "&page ..." Popup windowpagmenu
AddToMenu windowwspmenu
# "Send to Desk" Title
 + "&1 Main"      MoveToDesk 0 0
 + "&2 Secondary" MoveToDesk 0 1   

AddToMenu windowpagmenu
# "Send to Page" Title
 + "&1"      MoveToPage 0 0
 + "&2"      MoveToPage 1 0
 + "&3"      MoveToPage 0 1
 + "&4"      MoveToPage 1 1

I also added this to the root menu to be able the switch desktop

AddToMenu WORK_MENU_popup "My Work Menu"   Title
 + "Main Wsp"       GotoDesk 0 0
 + "Secondary Wsp"  GotoDesk 0 1
 + "Toggle Wsp"     GotoDesk prev

And I also added some accelerators to do it

#LC added accelerators to change workspace
#control-1 2 n from desk root go to workspace 0 1 n-1
#control-0 toggles workspace
#shift arrows move among pages in relative way
#note that since focus cannot be given to root it might be necessary to
#position on a window title or side to execute the command
#Key code context modifiers function
PointerKey 0 R C GotoDesk prev
PointerKey 1 R C GotoDesk 0 0
PointerKey 2 R C GotoDesk 0 1
PointerKey Right R S GotoPage +1p 0p
PointerKey Left  R S GotoPage -1p 0p
PointerKey Up    R S GotoPage  0p -1p
PointerKey Down  R S GotoPage  0p +1p

however I use these things very rarely (only when I have to run a sequence 
of applications switching repeatedly desks and pages).

I end up to change desktop and move windows across using the pager, or, 
often, I make a window sticky, then change via pager, and find the window 
there, and eventually unstick it.

I've also checked what I did once I exported my fvwm arrangement to a 
laptop I brought at a meeting ... but it's nothing peculiar. I exported my 
2 desktop arrangement, only I made DeskToSize 4x1 because I needed a long 
thin pager on the bottom of the screen (which was not my preferred 

If you are wanting to run separate desks for sessions on remote machines, 
you'd probably consider running VNC viewers tied to those machine, each 
one in full screen in a separate page or desk.

If you want the remote machine login screen in the viewer, that's require 
some unusual configuration of the remote X and VNC servers (at least it 
did with a remote Alpha, I've never run the server end on Linux), but this 
is OT here.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html

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