On 12Jul2007 17:42, Ryan Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| seventh guardian said:
| > If the vars are set by a user then root can't see them, and the same
| > applies the other way round. (I guess, can't test that now..)
| Let me clarify...
| When I'm logged in as root, I see no variables.
| I then completely log out and log back in again as a regular user and I
| can see the variables.

If they're in your personal .fvwmrc file, of course root doesn't see
them. Only you run your personal .fvwmrc file.

It is unusual to have to modify root's environment; it is fairly
important that it stays as normal as possible.

System wide settings belong in /etc/profile (urr, /etc/login for csh).  But
root should not have csh as its shell on most systems. (BSD systems often
ship with csh for root, and it's the first thing I change if I set up such a
Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government
working for you.        - Will Rogers

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