Thanks, I have tried, but seems FvwmTransFocus doesn't work for me, probably
my compiling parameters is not correct. I read the FvwmTransFocus.c, but I did
not find the /usr/X11R6/include, and /usr/X11R6/lib, seems XFree86 and Xorg
difference. I guess probably

 /usr/X11R6/include   means  /usr/include/xorg
 //usr/X11R6/lib          means  /usr/lib/xorg

so I complied with para without errors.
#cc -march=prescott -O3 -pipe -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer \
-I/usr/include/X11 -L/usr/lib/X11  -lX11 -o FvwmTransFocus \

then cp FvwmTransFocus /usr/lib/fvwm/2.5.21/

Any advice? Thanks in advance.

On Feb 6, 2008 11:36 PM, Michal Nazarewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "for.register for.register" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I think xcompmgr plus transset  themselves  can not  changes windows'
> > opacity  depending  on focusfocus change, so I tried FvwmTransFocus
> > from
> >
> > But for me it doesn't work, here is my steps. ( I use gentoo linux)
> > (1) complie FvwmTransFocus
> >
> > cc -march=prescott -O3 -pipe -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer
> > -I/usr/include/X11 -L/usr/lib/X11 -o FvwmTransFocus FvwmTransFocus.c
> >
> > (2) cp FvwmTransFocus /usr/lib/fvwm/2.5.21/
> >
> > (3) In .fvwm/config  add the following line:
> >
> > DestroyFunc StartFunction
> > AddToFunc StartFunction
> >         + I Module FvwmPager 0 0
> >         + I Module FvwmButtons
> >         + I Test (Init) Module FvwmTransFocus
> I have following lines in my FVWM config and everything works:
> KillModule      FvwmTransFocus
> Module          FvwmTransFocus 0.8 0.6 0.6
> Did you run xcompmgr?
> --
> Best regards,                                         _     _
>  .o. | Liege of Serenly Enlightened Majesty of      o' \,=./ `o
>  ..o | Computer Science,  Michal "mina86" Nazarewicz   (o o)
>  ooo +--<mina86*>--<jid:mina86*>--ooO--(_)--Ooo--

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