> Another interesting idea - although I think I'm starting to lean toward
> having the pager pop up when the desk change is initiated, and then the
> only problem is how to allow multiple desk changes without releasing the
> Ctrl-Alt keys, and how to make sure the pager closes after releasing the
> keys.

Well, as Thomas Adam points out, you can just use FvwmPager
-transient.  You can then use up/down/left/right to move towards a
page, then hit any key to dismiss it.  With just -transient it wont
show other desks, so you'd have to pick the number of desks you want
and provide that as a max.  For example, I use five here (for six

Key Alt_L A C FvwmPager -transient 0 5

So, have a pager that shows 5 desktops (and however many pages you've
already defined), summon that pager by hitting ctrl and then alt
(because control is used as the modifier) and use the arrow keys to
move from page to page.  The pager just seems to support doing this,
using arrows to move page to page, I mean.  I don't know where this is
documented.  I just happened to notice it when I was testing it.

To move a desk, you'd need another keybinding.  Unless there is some
other key for this, as I'm not even sure where the arrow keys are

But you might want to use different keys for moving by a full desk.
Either way, here's how you could move a desk up or down, again using
zero to five desks (total of size):
Key Right A CM GotoDesk 1 0 5
Key Left A CM GotoDesk -1 0 5

Because it uses the same keys as those for summoning the pager you
might get some drawing oddities, but it will still move like it's
supposed to.  This doesn't quite fit your desire of dismissing after
landing on your target desk, though, so you mgiht just want to use
ctrl + arrow to move (get rid of M modifiers above) so it doesn't
interfere with the pager.  This will allow the pager to stay up until
you dismiss it with something (like space or enter or any key other
than arrows, I think).  So be sure to do something like this, too:

Style FvwmPager Sticky, StaysOnTop

> >I had experimented with using the windows key to do something on its
> >own when not being used as a modifier key, but I eventually discarded
> >it.  I posted about it to the fvwm forums, which can be found here:
> >https://fvwmforums.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2832#p14222
> Hrm... I get all kinds of warnings when I access that page, and no
> information in any of the three posts. Is there another place to access
> the information?

Sorry about that.  It worked briefly but now it seems it has been
"archived".. I presume that someone saw mention of the errors and went
off to either fix it or just archive the content off to make it
available elsewhere...
It was a filthy hack anyway.  Essentially I re-assign stdout to dev
null so that I can import xlib, which will complain about something I
can't recall to standard out which fvwm would choke on from a
piperead, then I tested to see if a modifier was still held down
within a certain timeout so that I could ignore any long presses, eg
presses where the modifier was being used as a modifier to press some
other key because it took longer to do that then it did to just whack
the modifier as a bound key.  Then I wrote the command I wanted Fvwm
to run to FvwmCommand.

But really, use Thomas's suggestion, as usual, it's terse and entirely on point.

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