On 12/7/06, Ralph Schindler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey everyone, while the Team pages are great, I think it would be good
to know, in a global sense, who is working on what, and who the zf
liaison is for any given component.  I've started a page and started
inputting what I know about whats going on.

If you guys have the time, I think it would be beneficial if you update
the list as per what you know about who is working on what.

Use the [~username] notation for liaison and developers and the
[LINK NAME|ZFDEV:TeamName] to specify the team associated with the given

Thanks, and hope this helps tie some things together for a more unified
development process.


Since I'm working on Zend_Service_Audioscrobbler in the incubator,
does that mean I'm part of the Zend_Service_* team?

Chris Hartjes

"The greatest inefficiencies come from solving problems you will never have."
-- Rasmus Lerdorf

@TheBallpark - http://www.littlehart.net/attheballpark
@TheKeyboard - http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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