Is there a particular reason that Zend_Uri_Http uses PCRE for its underlying
implementation instead of basically just wrapping parse_url()? As far as I
can tell, the current implementation and parse_url() are equally capable of
returning the data fragments that the class makes available (and correct me
if I'm wrong on this). The current implementation has two main disadvantages
over parse_url(): 1) the current implementation requires the PCRE extension
which, though enabled by default, may not be available to (or needed by) all
users, whereas parse_url() is part of the core; 2) the current
implementation is in PHP whereas parse_url() is in C, so I'm willing to bet
there's a performance advantage (albeit one that's not extremely
substantial, but I don't have any figures to back that up). I would imagine
there is a good reason that I'm just not seeing and I'm just curious to see
what it is. If there's no good reason not to, I'd be willing to come up with
an alternate implementation and run some benchmarks and report my findings
on the list.


Matthew Turland

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