The problem is that in Zend/ directory there are a lot of php files:

Ok, there is. Why it is a problem though?

It would be much better to move them to:

Ok, and Zend_Acl_Adapter would be in Acl/Adapter/Adapter.php or in Acl/Adapter.php? If the former - how it's not directory per file? If the latter, why Zend_Acl gets subdirectory and Zend_Acl_Adapter not and how one is to know that by the name?

So this means that all package files would be in package directory. If u need only one package u take the package directory.

How do I know Zend_Foo_Bar_Baz is a package or part of Zend_Foo_Bar package or part of Zend_Foo package?

If file is in a directory - it is in package, and u know package name[directory name]

How do I know the directory name? You seem to have different rules for "packages" and "not packages" but I fail to see how do you know the name is package or not.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

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