Well, the two cases are different.  This proposal talks about merging
two config files together where you already know the names of the
configuration files.

I'm looking for the ability to load a number of smaller configuration
files without having to actually worry what they are actually called.

If the person who is maintaining Zend_Config wants to contact me, I
might be able to get some support from my boss to fund this change...

On 3/29/07, Darby Felton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Chris,

Maybe you would like to comment on ZF-988?


Though your use case may not be quite the same, I believe there is some
overlap where we consider merging configurations.

Thanks for the feedback!

Best regards,

Chris Hartjes wrote:
> I was wondering if it is possible with Zend_Config to do Apache-style
> loading of configuration files.  By this, I mean is it possible to
> have a directive in a Zend_Config_Ini file that says "load any .ini
> files that are in directory X", much like how you can ask Apache2 to
> load any configuration files in a specific directory.
> Right now I have a layout like this:
> project/application/config/config.ini
> what I'd like is to be able to do the following
> project/application/config/global_config.ini (used by multiple
> projects, doesn't change)
> project/application/config/project/config.ini (project-specific
> config, will be very different)
> The goal is to make configuration follow a DRY principle.  By some
> judicious use of svn externals, I will only ever have to edit the
> project-specific config.ini file while the global_config.ini file only
> has to be maintained in one spot.
> Hopefully I've explained this properly.

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

rallyhat.com - digital photo scavenger hunt
@TheBallpark - http://www.littlehart.net/attheballpark
@TheKeyboard - http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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