Ramon de la Fuente schreef:
Hi Everyone,

Today I attended the Dutch PHP Conference in Amsterdam and as most of you probably know there was a Zend_Framework talk given by Gaylord Aulke. As much as I would like to say that the Zend_Framework was the best and most discussed presentation, I really found that there was much dissapointment from the audience. The presentation itself was probably less technical and more marketing oriented - which is usually expected. But the audience was all developers in this case. Compared to other talks given (and I must take the word of strangers in this case, as I could not attend presentations beging given at the same time), the general feeling people where left with was "is that all?" [Luckily, Cal Evans had just gave a pretty technical presentation on mash-ups and he was also using Zend_Framework so that soothed the savage developers somewhat]

Hi Ramon de la Fuente,

I too was at the Dutch PHP conference, and I must say that I liked it a lot!

I have respect for the presentation about the Zend Framework, by Gaylor Aulke, because I personally have also found that keeping up to date with all those daily commits, is really tough.

Some parts of the presentation were a little bit outdated, but they still showed what the zend framework is capable of. Zend Framework leaves you with the freedom to deside what you want to do with it, eg: use it as a framework, or as a component library.

Some (in my opinion) questions/comments made by some parts of the audience, such as:

- No, i tried Zend_Search, it just DOESNT work
- Zend_Soap_Server doesn't even exist
- etc ...

where very unplaced, and didn't make things easier for Mr. Gaylor Aulke. Above that, introducing a new framework, with tons of features, and going into use-case details + marketing in a 45 minute session is tough.


Andries Seutens

Now I've been trying out ZF and even rolling out small projects based on the early releases. After all that blood, sweat and tears from you guys and the progress that has been made sofar I can only give props to you guys for getting as far as you are now in such a short time. But after today it's obvious there is also a major road ahead. I think the expression "you only get 1 chance at a first impression" is especially true in this case, where there is a "competition" going on between a good number of PHP Frameworks, and I was wondering what the priorities will be once the 1.0 version is actually out...?

My direct questions:
Obviously the 1.0 release will get loads of coverage, and attract many more developers to the framework than before - is it planned to revisit all the documentation for the older components? Besides the coding standards, will there be a 'usage standards' overview for components? (I saw some examples in Gaylord's presentation that where bit different than my current way of doing things) Will there be easy 1-2-3 setup or demo application available, maybe even included? What in your view is the most crucial part of the whole release (not only code maybe?), and what can be done to pitch in?

Sorry for the length of this email, but I felt the need to express these concerns.
Kind regards,

Ramon de la Fuente

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