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Hi Alexander,

thank you for answering so quickly. I'll search JIRA next time.

I'm not new to PHP but the PDF spec is quite complex so is the PDF
implementation ... unfortunately I've not enough time to dig into, I'ld
love to help and come up with a patch.

So I hope it will get implemented soon, this would really be great.

- - Markus

Alexander Veremyev wrote:
> Hi  Markus,
> PDF properties processing is planned
> (http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-294), but not done yet.
> It's not the first request for the feature and implementation is
> relatively simple. I think it should be done in the near future.
> With best regards,
>    Alexander Veremyev.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Markus Fischer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 10:37 PM
>> To: Zend Framework General
>> Subject: [fw-general] Extracting data out of PDF with Zend_Pdf?
> Hi,
> is it supported to extra metadata information from a PDF? The 
> information I'm seeking is
> * title
> * number of pages
> * author
> (of course as long as the information is contained in the PDF).
> I've gone through quite some PDFs where Adobes Reader shows 
> me title and author information but from Zend_Pdf I get nothing back.
> Following the documentation I thought I can get this 
> information from the properties() method, e.g.
> $oPdf = Zend_Pdf::load($sFile);
> var_dump( $oPdf->properties() );
> But the returned array was empty in all cases.
> I know I can get the number of pages by counting the "pages" 
> property, but what about the other information?
> If it's not possible with Zend_Pdf, although off-topic, what 
> other possibilities are out there? fpdf? Or some unix 
> commands (I'm on Linux)?
> thanks,
> - Markus
> ps: I was using 1.0.1

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