Hi Juan,
You missed ZF version. It's important info, current SVN version doesn't use 
index.lock file, but there was a bug in index.lock processing in some post-1.0 
Nevertheless, that looks you use ZF 1.0 or 1.0.1.
Which filesystem do you use for the index?  flock() is used in 
Zend_Search_Lucene to organaze concurrent index processing, but it has 
limitations depending on filesystem type (ex. it doesn't work on NFS): 
With best regards,
   Alexander Veremyev.


        From: Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 12:27 AM
        To: Alexander Veremyev; fw-general@lists.zend.com
        Subject: RE: RE: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene - Fatal error when I 
try to load it
        I try to follow the example into the framework reference guide, so this 
is my code now:
        foreach ( $arrItemsData AS $intItemId => $arrItemData )
                if ( false === is_dir( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . 
"/{$arrItemData['identifier']}" ) )
                    mkdir( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . "/{$arrItemData['identifier']}" 
                    chmod( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . "/{$arrItemData['identifier']}", 
0777 );
                    $objLuceneIndex = Zend_Search_Lucene::create( 
LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . "/{$arrItemData['identifier']}" );
                     $objLuceneIndex = Zend_Search_Lucene::open( 
LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . "/{$arrItemData['identifier']}" );
                 $objLuceneDocument = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
                 $objLuceneDocument->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text( 
"url", PAGE_QUERY_STRING . "/{$arrItemData['page']['identifier']}" ) );
                 $objLuceneIndex->addDocument( $objLuceneDocument );
            catch ( Exception $objError )
                 throw new Exception( "This content can't be indexed 
({$arrItemData['identifier']} - " . LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . 
"/{$arrItemData['identifier']}) ({$objError->getMessage()})" );
        So, the I got the same issues, when the folder where I'll going to 
store the index file is not created, and I execute Zend_Search_Lucene::create 
method, the system fails, and show me this exception:
        Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Can't save 
this page (This content can't be indexed (en - 
/home/jfalvarez/php5/test_project/site/tmp/lucene/en) (Can't create index. It's 
under processing now)).'
        So at this point, I create the folder where I going to store this index 
and if I saw into this folder I have the index.lock file:
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/projects/test_project/site/tmp/lucene$ ls -lR
        total 4.0K
        drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data 4.0K Aug 31 22:36 en
        total 0
        -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 0 Aug 31 22:36 index.lock
        Now I try to save once again this data, and I got a new one exception: 
        Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Can't save 
this page (This content can't be indexed (en - 
/home/jfalvarez/php5/test_project/site/tmp/lucene/en) (Can't obtain shared 
index lock)).'
        I don't know what's going on, the loop at the start of this email is 
inside a transaction, but I don't know if this mess all the process.
        Thx for any help :).


        From: Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: MiƩrcoles, 29 de Agosto de 2007 08:20 a.m.
        To: Alexander Veremyev; fw-general@lists.zend.com
        Subject: RE: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene - Fatal error when I try 
to load it
        1. Im using ZFW 1.0.1, Debian :)
        2. Yes, Lucene class is a extended class from Zend_Search_Lucene.
        3. The values are /home/jfalvarez/projects/my_test_site/tmp/lucene/en 
and /home/jfalvarez/projects/my_test_site/tmp/lucene/es (LUCENE_INDEX_PATH -> 
/home/jfalvarez/projects/my_test_site/tmp/lucene/) and the identifier value is 
"en" or "es", the two languages on my system, Im using the Zend_Locale on my 
application too, so I got this to languages identifiers.
        I'll try to implement it using "create" and "open" methods, I hope that 
        Thx :).


        From: Alexander Veremyev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: MiƩrcoles, 29 de Agosto de 2007 08:52 a.m.
        To: Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga; fw-general@lists.zend.com
        Subject: RE: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene - Fatal error when I try 
to load it
        Hi Juan,
        1. Please describe, which ZF version and OS you use.
        2. Is Lucene class your wrapper around Zend_Search_Lucene? Use 
        for index creation and opening. It should help at least with the second 
        3. Could you test your script using a command line and add some debug 
output (check LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . "/{$arrLanguageData['identifier']}" value)?
        With best regards,
           Alexander Veremyev.


                From: Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 12:05 AM
                To: fw-general@lists.zend.com
                Subject: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene - Fatal error when I 
try to load it
                I have this situation:
                * Two index files, one for english and one for spanish content, 
(/home/jfalvarez/projects/my_test_site/tmp/lucene/en - 
/home/jfalvarez/projects/my_test_site/tmp/lucene/es), this index files are 
created using this portion of code:
                 foreach ( $arrSystemLanguages AS $intLanguageId => 
$arrLanguageData )
                   // If the Lucene language folder is not created, then try to 
make an mkdir and set permissions over the new folder.
                   if ( false === is_dir( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . 
"/{$arrLanguageData['identifier']}" ) )
                     // Create filesystem folder.
                     mkdir( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . 
"/{$arrLanguageData['identifier']}" );
                     // Set language folder permissions.
                     chmod( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . 
"/{$arrLanguageData['identifier']}", 0777 );
                     // And now we try to create the Lucene index file per 
language folder! :D.
                     $objLuceneIndex = Lucene::create( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . 
"/{$arrLanguageData['identifier']}" );
                     // Load a new document, a blank document.
                     $objLuceneDocument = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
                     // Set this blank document to the index created.
                     $objLuceneIndex->addDocument( $objLuceneDocument );
                    catch ( Exception $objError )
                     throw new Exception( "Can't create Lucene language folder 
for {$arrLanguageData['name']} - ({$objError->getMessage()})" );
                When I execute this at the first time, I always have this 
error: "Can't create index. It's under processing now", ok, I refresh the page 
like two time (for the two languages on my application) and now the page works.
                So, when I try to add data to the both index I always got this 
exception error: "Can't obtain shared index lock".
                Im using something like this:
                 foreach ( $arrSystemLanguages AS $intLanguageId => 
$arrLanguageData )
                    // Load Lucene lib.
                    $objLucene = new Lucene( LUCENE_INDEX_PATH . 
"/{$arrLanguageData['identifier']}" );
                   // Add fields ...
                   // Save document ...
                I look into the Zend_Search_Lucene library and that error 
appears when I instantiate the object, I need to "destroy" the object every 
time or something ?
                Thx for any help.


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