Hi Matthew,

My Form proposal is a bit out of date (I need to find some time and patience to update it ;), but the general idea I'm describing is still valid. To get a better picture of how I invisioned Zend_Form you could check out my implementation from it's SVN:


In that implementation are two things not described in the proposal yet: Builder classes and Plugins.

The builder plugins allow for form instancing from e.g. a Db_Table object. The plugins can be used to customize the controller flow defined in the FormHandler action helper.

For a demonstration on how it would work there is a sampleapp in the Examples dir.

Also, I post form related stuff on my blog: www.norm2782.com

Hopefully my work on the form component will be a source of inspiration.

Maybe we could discuss forms on #zftalk some time.

On 27 Sep 2007, at 15:20, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Daniel Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Thursday, 27 September 2007, 10:59 AM +1000):
Hi was wondering if there is any such forms generation functionality
as yet when using the model classes ? I believe it would be a good
thing to have although the form element generation currently is set
in helpers ?

I have been assigned as the Zend lead for a Zend_Form component, and am currently reviewing the existing proposals as well as solutions in other
frameworks and languages.

The current consensus is that the form component will collect form
elements, which will each have their own validations, filters, and
renderers (i.e., you will be able to specify the view helper used to
render a form element).

However, the form component will initially be de-coupled from models as
we don't have any generalized solution for models yet (specific models
exist already, of course, in such components as Zend_Service, Zend_Db,
Zend_XmlRpc_Client, etc). In internal discussions, we've talked about
the possibility of adding form generation from models, and any solution
we adopt for a form component will be flexible enough to make this

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
PHP Developer            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

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