Gunter Sammet wrote:
He just suggested that we could remove a few that don't generate traffic.
Question is, are they getting little traffic because no one is talking about the components they cover, or because everyone is posting to fw-general?

If it's the latter then I think we should put more emphasis on people posting to the right list, and make it clear that the general list is *only *for topics not covered elsewhere. One problem I've found is that the mailing lists page does not actually list the exact components covered by each list, leaving someone new to ZF unsure of the best place to post, usually leading to a post in fw-general.

I think there is value in keeping separate lists for each area, but we just need to encourage people to post to the right place. We also need to fix the fw-all list, as that may be another reason people only post to the general, mvc and db (in case they don't receive any responses).

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