Good to see a heap of work has been done with Zend_Layout and the Zend_View_Enhanced helpers, in particular the Partials.

For a particular site I'm working on, we have a set of "boxes" that can reoccur multiple times in a single page, all these boxes have the same basic layout:

<div class="box">

        <div class="box_head">
                <h1><?= $title ?></h1>
                <ul class="nav">
                        <?= $this->makeNav ($nav) ?>

        <div class="content">
                <?= $this->render ($content) ?>

So currently I have to reproduce this basic layout for each separate box on the page. Ideally what I'd like to do would be the following:

<?= $this->box ($title, $nav, $content, $otherVars);

This View helper would render the box from a separate predefined view script then go into another view script where the content code is actually contained. I guess essentially this would be some sort of proxy for the Partial view helper anyway. $otherVars would be a set of view variables that could be passed on to the content view script.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how best to implement this using partials and perhaps layouts?

Mathew Byrne

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