Hi Simon,

thanks for your help. I already sent you some private messages but was
not able to solve my problems yet. I am really afraid the 1.5 release
breaks all my model classes.

The main reason for this is the fact that I extended Zend_Db_Table at a
very early stage more than a year ago when stuff like relationships was
not implemented. Since then I was able to keep my extended version of
Zend_Db_Table with some little amendments whenever a new release came out.

But with the new 1.5 release the changes to Zend_Db_Table are so massive
that I won't be able to just fix some lines here and there to get my
models running.

Since the ZF 1.5 version includes some new features in some other
components I need I am faced with Hobson's choice or as we say in German
I can choose between pestilence and cholera:

Stay with the 1.0.3 version or rework my extended version of
Zend_Db_Table completely (which means to rework all my model classes
which are derived from that as well).

Quite a frustrating situation.

Best Regards,


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