Hi Ralf,

First, I advise that ZF 1.5.0PR probably should not be used in
production, mission-critical applications, since it is a "preview
release" or unstable distribution, including components from the
incubator in various stages of completion. Of course, the 1.5.0RC1
should be more stable, and the 1.5.0GA release should be quite solid.

As to your performance problems, I suspect that you could be having
trouble with Zend_Loader. Please see the following JIRA issue if you
also suspect the same could be true:


In short, Zend_Loader had been using the "@" error suppression operator
for its include[_once] directives. This caused any errors that occur by
including a file to be suppressed. This is particularly bad for
developers experiencing fatal errors, but it also poses problems for
people who want to be aware of such errors, yet they had been suppressed
by Zend_Loader. So, to solve the problem I removed the error suppression
operators, and wrapped error trapping code around the include[_once]
directives. This unconditional error handling no doubt contributes to
some degradation in performance, but I do not have concrete data to say
how much degradation one should expect. Since 1.0.3 apparently had no
error suppression, the solution for ZF-2463 may be improved, and I
intend to do so prior to the ZF 1.5.0 RC1 release. With any luck I
should be able to do this today.

Finally, I would recommend that Zend_Loader be eschewed, in favor of
using require_once, whenever possible. If there are any framework
components using Zend_Loader, where require_once would work nicely
instead, please let us know about it.

Thanks for the report!

Best regards,

Ralf Eggert wrote:
> Hi,
> two days ago I upgraded our live server with ZF 1.5.0PR which caused a
> serious performance issue. The whole site slowed down immediately.
> First I did not know what the real problem was because at nearly the
> same time a content grabber started to run his bots to grab our content.
> But after blocking his ips the performance was still bad compared to the
> time before upgrading to ZF 1.5.0PR.
> So today I switched back to ZF 1.0.3 and the performance was up again.
> With ZF 1.0.3 the load average is almost all the time lower than 1. With
> ZF 1.5.0PR is was almost all the time between 4 and 6. I was not able to
> identify the bottleneck because my first priority was to get the site
> back to normal.
> Hay anybody else upgrade an live server with 1.5.0PR and encountered
> similar problems? Has anybody any idea what could have caused these
> problems?
> Best Regards,
> Ralf

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