Ralf Eggert wrote:
>> As to your performance problems, I suspect that you could be having
>> trouble with Zend_Loader. Please see the following JIRA issue if you
>> also suspect the same could be true:
>> http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-2463
> But could this problem really result in a quadruplication of the run
> time for almost all pages? I rather thought that amendments to other
> components like Zend_Db or Zend_Controller might have caused the
> performance decrease.

I probably should not guess any further. :) I'll recommend to use
profiling to determine the cause(s) of your performance degradation. :)

I just happened to be aware (having made the changes myself) of a
not-so-fast Zend_Loader implementation pursuant to:


This implementation made it into 1.5.0 PR before I could change it, but
the latest SVN version of it does not have the error handling functions
about which I was concerned. Instead, errors in included files will
simply be handled in the normal PHP way. :)

>> Finally, I would recommend that Zend_Loader be eschewed, in favor of
>> using require_once, whenever possible. If there are any framework
>> components using Zend_Loader, where require_once would work nicely
>> instead, please let us know about it.
> This is not so easy to accomplish since my whole application relies on
> Zend_Loader. All classes I use should be loaded by Zend_Loader and I
> don't really get the point of a Zend_Loader class if it is not
> recommended to use it

Okay, so in this case, it's not reasonably possible for you not to use
Zend_Loader. That's fine. I was really more concerned about the version
that came with 1.5.0 PR than the version from 1.0.3 or the version that
will be in 1.5.0 RC1.

Best regards,

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