Whoa, whoa...

It started off as Ralf reporting a slowdown on his server when upgrading to a _preview_ release. I don't think there's any need to re- visit any classes or perform any re-factoring until work has completed past the 1.0.4 release and the MVC updates have been committed. I don't think Martel's done just yet.

FWIW I'm using autoload on all my projects and there's been no slowdown at all. That I have differing results to Ralf doesn't necessarily mean much except that we're perhaps using different hardware, different OS's, using different components, etc...

Using autoload (and the particular Zend_Loader::registerAutoload() method) is an individual choice and you should compare on _your_ system if it slows down or not.



This is just for 1.5 or for any ZF version ?
Best regards,
Cristian Bichis
www.zftutorials.com | www.zfforums.com | www.zflinks.com | www.zftalk.com

Based on that recommendation, is it correct then to presume that it would be wise to also avoid using Zend_Loader::registerAutoload() for the same performance reasons?



Simon Mundy | Director | PEPTOLAB

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