Nevermind, self-help desk strikes again. On the second bad submit, the URL
looks like:


instead of the proper /login/login.

Changing line 8 of the form class to
  8     $this->setAction('/login/login');

fixed the problem.

Kids, this is why you shouldn't file bug reports after midnight.

Hope the code example can help someone out!


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 12:34 AM, Karl Katzke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Zend_Form class used for a login form. When I validate the form
> once, it repopulates correctly. When I resubmit the form a second time with
> a bad password value but the correct login value, the login value is
> repopulated as 'login'. I'm not quite sure what in tarnation could be
> happening here, but maybe someone can give me a hand.
> I'm using the latest from:
> r9083 as of this writing.
> Here's my form class:
>   1 <?php
>   2
>   3 class My_Form_Login extends Zend_Form {
>   4
>   5   public function __construct($options = null) {
>   6     parent::__construct($options);
>   7
>   8     $this->setAction('login/login');
>   9     $this->setMethod('post');
>  10
>  11     $login = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('login');
>  12     $login->setLabel('Login');
>  13     $login->setRequired(true);
>  14     $this->addElement($login);
>  15
>  16     $pass = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('pass');
>  17     $pass->setLabel('Password');
>  18     $pass->setRequired(true);
>  19     $this->addElement($pass);
>  20
>  21     $submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
>  22     $submit->setLabel('Submit');
>  23     $this->addElement($submit);
>  24
>  25   }
>  26
>  27 }
>  28
>  29 ?>
> And here's the login action:
>  30     function loginAction() {
>  31       $form = new My_Form_Login();
>  32       $param = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
>  33
>  34       //Init the view up here, even if we throw it out.
>  35       $this->initView();
>  36
>  37       if(!empty($param['submit']) && $form->isValid($param)) {
>  38         // If the form validated, then we know there are both passwd
> and value fields.
>  39         // Authenticate against the databse. First, get an instance.
>  40         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
>  41
>  42         // Let's set up the adapter. Don't forget that the password is
> just hashed,
>  43         // while the email has had htmlspecialchars run on it before
> being inserted.
>  44         // This also serves as our input cleaning... no bobby tables!
>  45         $adapt = new
> Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable(Zend_Registry::get('db'));
>  46         $adapt->setTableName('users');
>  47         $adapt->setIdentityColumn('login');
>  48         $adapt->setCredentialColumn('sha1password');
>  49         $adapt->setCredential(sha1($param['pass']));
>  50         $adapt->setIdentity(htmlspecialchars($param['login']));
>  51
>  52
>  53         // And run the auth.
>  54         $result = $auth->authenticate($adapt);
>  55
>  56         // Compare the values and do stuff.
>  57         if($result->isValid()) {
>  58           $storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
>  59
> $storage->write($adapt->getResultRowObject(array('login','password_reset')));
>  60           $auth->setStorage($storage);
>  61           $this->_redirect('/user/index');
>  62         } else {
>  63           $this->view->message = 'Invalid login. Please try again.';
>  64           $this->view->form = $form;
>  65         }
>  66       } else {
>  67         $this->view->form = $form;
>  68       }
>  69     }
> And here's the login form:
>   1 <h1>Administration Login</h1>
>   2 <? if(!empty($this->message)): ?>
>   3   <p class="error"><?= $this->message ?></p>
>   4 <? endif; ?>
>   5 <?= $this->form ?>
>   6
> The behaviour I'm getting can be reproduced in Firefox and Safari by
> repeating the following steps:
> 1) Going to the login form in your browser
> 2) Typing a username in the login field
> 3) Typing an incorrect password
> 4) The form repopulates as expected, and shows the expected error message.
> 5) Type another incorrect password
> 6) The form repopulates with the string 'login' in the login instead of
> the expected user name.
> Matt, I'll email you a link to my working copy so you can see the
> behaviour.
> Thanks!
> -Karl

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