By the way. Shouldn't it be Simplicity, Meets power? Rather than Simplicity,
Meet power.

I'm not an english geek but I don't really understand that..

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 7:36 AM, Wil Sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  That's a known ie7 issue that we hope to have solved later this week.
> Thanks for reporting it, tho!
> ,Wil
> *From:* Alan Wagstaff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Monday, April 07, 2008 12:20 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [fw-general] And a big thanks to Varien for the new site
> design!
> Since we are on the subject of the new site (which I love by the way) and
> the 3 blocks, I have a problem that I've been meaning to mention for a while
> now.
> When the page is loading, the "Make the Choice", "Get Started" and "Give
> Back" headers appear fine:
> But once the page is loaded, the text grows and overlaps:
> Haven't noticed it anywhere else on the site, just on the homepage there.
> Running IE7 on Vista with a 1280 x 800 resolution.
> Alan
> On 07/04/2008, *Wil Sinclair* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I'm the one to blame for the 3 color-coded sections. J And most of
> those dorky taglines. Of course, I make absolutely no claims of
> non-dorkiness. :D
> I don't see 'Make the Choice' as challenging, but do you have a
> suggestion? BTW, this box is supposed to be for decision makers. The center
> one is for developers, and the right one is targeted at contributors.
> CodeIgniter's site is definitely good. But I wouldn't green-light
> something like this for ZF because I think there is far too much text for a
> front page and is extremely developer centric.
> Site conception and color-differentiated boxes were originally proposed by
> me. I can assure you that I haven't seen the current site.
> BTW, that horizontal, 3-box format is very popular right now. I have seen
> the current version of the RoR site: It's 4
> items, but you get the idea. J Sometimes designs become popular because
> they work well; I believe that's the case here, but it's pretty subjective.
> I'm glad you like the inside pages. We tried to keep them strictly
> content-driven. We may add the occasional icon to liven up the text a bit.
> I really don't like the site for several reasons, but I
> don't want to make this discussion to turn in to a list of criticisms of
> other people's sites. ;)
> CakePHP's site isn't my favorite, but it seems relatively effective to me.
> Please keep in mind that we are also addressing decision makers with
> technical skills all across the board. I've said it before, and I'll say it
> again: the Zend Framework project is great for large corporate sites and
> enterprise applications. In fact, among PHP frameworks, I think these are
> some of our sweet spots. Decision makers want to see our case studies and
> what services we offer. We have been careful to wear the commercial side of
> the project on our sleeves- even on the old site from long before I joined
> the project. Ultimately, we hope ZF works as well for enterprise customers
> as it does for one developer's personal or hobby site.
> Could it be that some of this criticism might be directed at the fact that
> our site isn't designed for just developers? Maybe we took on too much by
> trying to address 3 stakeholders with the same design. Please don't take my
> answers as deflections of your comments- I'm taking this all as feedback.
> The fact is that we'll never have a site that everyone likes. J
> ,Wil
> *From:* Karl Katzke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Monday, April 07, 2008 10:32 AM
> *To:* Wil Sinclair
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [fw-general] And a big thanks to Varien for the new site
> design!
> Wil,
> I'm not a big fan of the new site's homepage either. Let me try and
> explain why, from both a design perspective and a usability perspective.
> On the front page, everything is cartoony and oversized. The icons are
> big, the fonts are far too big, the ZF logo (which is normally rather slick)
> is big and embossed, the "MAKE THE CHOICE" is the biggest and first thing
> you see. Those are challenge words, not welcoming words. The color scheme
> clashes and calls your attention to too many things at once. There are far
> too many choices on the front page for anyone to find where they should get
> started. The subheadings under "Make the choice / get started / give back"
> are dorky and un-necessary. How do you know what feels good to me? ;)
> Compare this to CodeIgniter's site: ... the color
> scheme is bright in areas where it wants to call your attention. The first
> thing you read is a description of what CodeIgniter is, the second is a
> welcome message. The icons are understated and are small enough to not
> clash. You can scan the site easily and figure out where you need to go.
> On top of all the other sins we have unoriginality; the "Make the choice,
> get started, and give back" tricolor scheme seems to have been stolen
> directly from, which does it far better... they only give you
> three choices until you've decided if you're there to download, there for
> information, or there to contribute to the software factory. (I realize
> they're not the same exact colors, but that's the first thing I thought when
> I saw the blue top with the orange and green.)
> On the other hand, the inside pages are nice. I like the use of a block
> serif font. I like the tabbed menu. I like the organized layout. The font
> size is readable.
> We take the good with the bad, but I have a feeling that Code Igniter's
> website and websites like should be used as examples.
> Those sites are well-organized and appeal to both decision makers and
> developers. Then again, it's not like the competition's stiff -- CakePHP's
> site has many of the same sins we do, and Symfony's site looks like garbage.
> -K
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Wil Sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I gotta say- it's awesome that we have a forum where we can agree,
> disagree, and generally figure out every way we can make the project
> better.
> OK, here's my take on the front page:
> '1.5' will represent all the 1.5 releases; in my experience this is
> common for less detailed pages. It really is meant to call out that
> we've moved on from the 1.0 branch.
> Keep in mind, this page may simply not be for you. It is dominated by
> formatting and is meant to put the best face on ZF to new decision
> makers, developers, and contributors. We've tried to make the other
> pages more content driven, but it is safe to assume most of the content
> on the main site PHP site will be more or less introductory. The tools
> (wiki, IT, etc.) we have and will continue to keep as effective as
> possible for our active users/contributors.
> Ultimately, you haven't yet convinced me that the front page is not
> effective at what it sets out to do. For example, having a prominent
> download button makes it easy for everyone to download the project and
> get started, which is exactly what we want new users to do.
> Do you have more feedback on the site that might help us improve it? We
> will be adding more improvements over the next few weeks as we get it to
> a state we can be happy with until the next big update.
> Thanks!
> ,Wil
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: thurting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 12:39 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [fw-general] And a big thanks to Varien for the new site
> > design!
> >
> >
> > I'm going to have to disagree here.  The front page is an atrocity.
> > The
> > download header dominates, the logo is out of control, and it is
> > incredibly
> > hard to scan the page for information.  Also, the project is on
> version
> > 1.5.1 now.  You need to update the .jpg because that is where this
> > pivotal
> > and dynamic information is displayed.
> >
> >
> > Amr Mostafa wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for making us look like rock stars, Varien! ;-)
> > >
> > > On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Wil Sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >> . . .and that's what I wish I would have remembered to say in the
> > 1.5
> > >> announcement. :/ Seriously, they did an excellent job on the
> design;
> > we
> > >> asked them to take the ZF site to a completely new level, and I
> > think
> > >> most people would agree they did just that. This is one BIG way
> that
> > >> they give back to the ZF project. Thanks SO much, guys.
> > >>
> > >> ,Wil
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> > to-Varien-for-the-new-site-design%21-tp16105849p16535205.html
> > Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

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