Please take one thing on consideration : when using Windows to benchmark ,
turn your AV and all those kind of services OFF.

I ran an APC test as well on Windows ( for fun ), and with / without my
AntiVirus solution ==> I got twice more requests per second without it !!

I ran an ab with something like -n 80 -c 40 , (no DB, no session ), results
were poor, but that is an OS problem , Windows is not good at all to support
such PHP apps ( in fact it 'may' be, but a Windows developer platform cant
give good results).

With APC, I got about twice more requests served than without.
I noticed as well that APC should be fined configured. 1 or 2 more MB for
the memory segment can improve / degrade performance with a big factor.....

Conclusion : do test on Windows if you want, but dont be surprised if you
have (very) poor performance results. There are several Windows services
that can knock the performance, not talking about the so bad File System.
(you should try to put your session data in memory such as memcache for
tests as well)



2008/4/8 James Dempster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I also get the same kind of results on Windows, installing APC for me
> actually slows down the requests. My PC is dual booted so I tested the setup
> in Ubuntu Linux which was so amazingly fast.
> *Tested on: *Intel Dual Core 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM etc etc
> *Tested using: *ab -n 2000 http://localhost/ (No concurancy cause we're
> testing response speed not server load)
> Website tested usues the following (but not limited to) ZF components MVC
> including Modules, Zend_Db + Db_Table etc (metadata cached in Zend_Cache
> sqlite), Zend_Config_Ini, Zend_Registry, Zend_Log, Zend_Session and all
> classes associated with them. Some custom models. So it's a fairly good
> senario. There's no extra caching other than the Zend_Db_Table metadata.
> Windows XP Pro SP2, Apache2 mod_php       = 450ms
> Windows XP Pro SP2, Apache2 mod_php + apc = 500ms
> Ubuntu Linux 7.10, Apache2 mod_php        = 150ms
> Ubuntu Linux 7.10, Apache2 mod_php + apc  = 50ms
> This goes to show that ZF is not at fault here. I'm not even sure if
> Windows is at fault as I've heard great results about the new php fast cgi +
> iis 6.
> It just seems that Apache + PHP + Windows is a bad mix (for production).
> --
> /James
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Aldemar Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Well,
> >
> > after a weekend of testing I found that:
> >
> > - fastcgi (using zend core fastcgi and other fastcgi) didn't give me
> > better
> > results than using the mod_php, I couldn't test using IIS since I don't
> > have
> > it =P
> > - apc and xcache with fastcgi gave always trouble when benchmarking
> > using ab
> > from apache (php crashed all the times).
> > - turning off apc.stat really boost my code, but I had to change some
> > things
> > (relative require_once to absolute require_once using dirname(__FILE__))
> > - it seems that even if apc.stat is turned off, it access the disk
> > (well,
> > obviously it does the first time it caches the files) because ramdisk
> > still
> > faster than using my files on my harddrive, it should be faster only the
> > first time, but it's faster all the times (I checked out apc.php and I
> > found
> > that apc was already caching the files).
> > - concluding, I'll use here in my dev laptop mod_php + apc with
> > apc.filters
> > filtering and caching only ZF files (in a ramdisk) and my customers
> > windows
> > servers I'll use mod_php + apc with apc.stat always off (maybe including
> > the
> > ramdisk thingy).
> >
> > Times:
> >
> > - fastcgi ~700ms
> > - fastcgi + accelerator (apc or xcache) ~ 600ms
> > - mod_php alone ~ 500ms
> > - mod_php + apc + files in ramdisk ~ 300ms
> > - mod_php + apc + apc.stat = 0 ~ 300ms
> > - mod_php + apc + apc.stat = 0 + files in ramdisk ~ 110ms
> > - mod_php + apc + apc.stat = 0 + apc.filtering (only caching ZF) + files
> > in
> > ramdisk (only ZF) ~ 280ms
> >
> > Again my setup is:
> >
> > - apache 2.2 (mod_php)
> > - php 5.2.5
> > - apc 3.0.17-dev
> > - zf 1.5.1
> > - windows xp home
> >
> >
> > Still sucks, doesn't it :P
> >
> > btw, I couldn't any documentation about apc caching classes (maybe you
> > were
> > talking about user cache), the command I use to benchmark was:
> >
> > ab -c 5 -n 20 http://localhost/xxxxx/ (before running this command I
> > opened
> > twice the page in order that apc cached w/o fragmenting the files)
> >
> > The page I used did connect to a DB but doing nothing but a 'SET NAMES
> > utf8'
> > query, and disabling it didn't show any difference.
> >
> >
> > Aldemar
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew Weier O'Phinney" <
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 6:10 PM
> > Subject: Re: [fw-general] ZF - APC tuning
> >
> >
> >
> >  -- Aldemar Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > > (on Saturday, 05 April 2008, 02:40 PM -0500):
> > >
> > > > I've been trying to make my app perform better, every request takes
> > > > (according
> > > > ab: apache stress tool) ~510ms, which is a lot!, over half second in
> > > > every
> > > > request?, so I installed and enabled APC but surprisly it performed
> > > > even worst
> > > > than w/o APC, ~650ms per request. Any of you have tried using APC w/
> > > > ZF?
> > > >
> > > > The best results I had was using a RAM Disk, putting in it only zf
> > > > it perform
> > > > ~420ms and w/ the app ~330ms.
> > > >
> > > > My setup is:
> > > >
> > > > - apache 2.2
> > > > - php 5.2.5
> > > > - apc 3.0.17-dev
> > > > - zf 1.5.1
> > > > - windows xp home
> > > >
> > > > With the best configuration (zf and app running from ram disk) and
> > > > using apc
> > > > returns the same results ~330ms (so, no difference at all when using
> > > > it from a
> > > > ramdisk).
> > > >
> > >
> > > A few things to note.
> > >
> > > First, I'm assuming you're using apache with mod_php. On windows, my
> > > understanding is that this simply doesn't perform terribly well. You
> > > may
> > > get better results with IIS+FastCGI (heck, you might try FastCGI with
> > > apache to see if that goes better, too). Regardless, Windows and Mac
> > > environments tend not to get you your best performance, though.
> > >
> > > Second, IIRC, APC allows you to preload classes. I'd recommend
> > > investigating that option.
> > >
> > > Third, how many requests are you benching? You need to run a fair
> > > number
> > > of requests with APC to ensure that the cache gets loaded and that
> > > you're actually hitting the cache (one or two requests simply won't do
> > > it). You may be already doing this, but you don't indicate that fact
> > > in
> > > your description.
> > >
> > > Also, are you using a DB? or any web services? These may also be
> > > contributing to the lag you're seeing.
> > >
> > > I've benched some barebones apps in the past, as has Paul M. Jones,
> > > and
> > > the fact of the matter is that frameworks tend to be performance hogs,
> > > even when serving simple "Hello World" style pages.  That said, being
> > > able to handle only 1 or 2 requests per second sounds seriously slow,
> > > and I know that most apps I've done with ZF perform much better than
> > > that... particularly when using good caching strategies and not
> > > hitting
> > > a DB or web service.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> > > Software Architect       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Zend - The PHP Company   |
> > >
> > >
> >

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