-- James Dempster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Monday, 12 May 2008, 02:29 PM +0100):
> When do you think we will see some movement regarding these issues.
> They are big problems with the way that ZF loads classes. It's almost
> impossible to develop classes where the ZF is going to load them e.g. 
> _rowClass
> in Zend_Db_Table, even if I can get the code working first time I don't see 
> any
> kind of strict warning etc.
> So I have to start making modifications to ZF to remove the shutup operators
> everywhere I find a Zend_Loader::loadClass().
> Is there anything I can do to help?
> I'm guessing there won't be any movment on this untill 1.5.2 is out the door.

Correct. And if you're that anxious, you can help by providing a patch.

Truly, though, this is a complex issue, for the reasons Darby has
outlined previously. It is a priority, however; we just need to make
sure we have a fully BC solution that addresess all of the concerns, and
this will take a bit more time. Patience, please... unless you can
provide a tested patch. :-)

> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Darby Felton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     James Dempster wrote:
>         I really can't see any slow down using the Loader from the incubator.
>         I've created some small benchmarking scripts which shows to me it's
>         just as fast (used the Zend_Loader::autoload() to benchmark).
>         Would this mean all the classes that are currently doing
>         @Zend_Loader::loadClass($classname); would change to
>         Zend_Loader:autoload($classname); ?
>         Cause I notice that only Zend_Loader:autoload(); has the error 
> handling
>         in it.
>     Not necessarily. The solution in the incubator is only for ZF-2923. More
>     would likely need to be done to solve the multiple problems related to use
>     of Zend_Loader.
>     Best regards,
>     Darby
>         --
>         /James
>         On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 9:01 PM, James Dempster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>            Thank you for you detailed reply.
>            I will certainly be trying this new class and hopefully get back to
>            you tomorrow.
>            Thanks
>            --
>            /James
>            On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:18 PM, Darby Felton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>            <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>                Hi James,
>                The overall problem with Zend_Loader is fairly nuanced and has
>                different ramifications for people using it in various
>                situations. This problem is definitely on our radar, and we are
>                thinking about a reasonable solution that meets the original
>                Zend Framework goal of "extreme simplicity" while enabling
>                reasonable performance expectations.
>                Basically there are two competing issues:
>                1) Zend_Loader::loadClass() and loadFile() do not check to see
>                if a file is readable before using include_once upon it. This
>                causes a warning to be issued when the file does not exist, but
>                the extra time for checking whether the file is readable is not
>                required using this approach. This is annoying, for example, to
>                people using Zend_Loader with multiple autoloaders because of
>                the extra PHP warning noise.
>                2) Error suppression of the above (i.e., with "@") causes any
>                resulting error to be hidden. This is annoying, for example,
>                when loading a user class that contains a parse error because
>                the error is harder to find than if the error had not been
>                suppressed.
>                In the meantime, there is a modified version of Zend_Loader I
>                made in the incubator if you want to try it out. I'd be
>                particularly interested in performance benchmarks, if someone
>                would have time to do such a thing, but I haven't heard about
>                any such results to date.
>                Of course, guidance and contributions from community members
>                like you to help solve these issues are most appreciated! :)
>                Best regards,
>                Darby
>                James Dempster wrote:
>                    Hi All,
>                    I've wasted so much time creating row classes and not
>                    finding out about a parse errors all because line 119 of
>                    Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract and it's shut up operator.
>                    See http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-2724
>                    My application would just silently die without any errors 
> in
>                    my php.log or in the output. Very very frustrating.
>                    Can some one explain to me why they are there, why there is
>                    such a reliance on Zend_Loader. Why can't it just try to
>                    create the object and have any class auto loads deal with
>                    it, including user auto loads. Using Zend_Loader in this 
> way
>                    put a reliance on Zend_Loader and with the @ sign break my
>                    app without me knowing where the problem occurs.
>                    What can be done to solve this? I've tried removing the @
>                    sign and all seems to work fine. The same problem exists in
>                    other classes.
>                    --
>                    /James

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

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