Well I have a LoginForm.php and then call it to insert it on the view, so
I'm using:

    class LoginForm extends Zend_Form
        public function init()

Is there a way to use it in this case... The LoginForm.php instead of using
it in the view?

2008/7/10 Rob Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 11 Jul 2008, at 02:15, Christian Sanchez wrote:
> I have created a Login form based on various tutorials including
> Matthew's... But I get this bug I can't quite get how to get around...
> I have set the action in the form like this:
> $this->setAction('index/login/');
> But when I'm testing the actual login and after 3 times of getting the
> errors I'm testing for I get the url like this:
> http://localhost/index/login/index/login/index/login
> That means everytime I hit the log in submit button index/login adds to the
> current url, is there a way to set the action to not do this?
> Just to keep the URL clean though... But I've been wondering this for weeks
> now :P
> --
> Christian Sánchez A.
> Assuming that $form exists in the model, then you can do this:
> $url = $this->_helper->url->url(array('controller'=>'index',
> 'action'=>'login'));
> $form->setAction($url);
> Regards,
> Rob...

Christian Sánchez A.

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