Hi all, the ZF team at Zend would like to propose a new list-
'zf-contributor' for contributors to the Zend Framework project. This
should be an open list that covers development of components in both the
standard and extras libraries. The 'zf-' is intentional; we plan to
migrate all lists to this namespace when we refactor them sometime after
the 1.6 release. Please stay tuned for a separate proposal on that
Please keep in mind that this is a very specific initiative intended to
fill a very specific and immediate need. In addition to complementing
the IRC channel, this list will be used to coordinate the efforts of the
team here at Zend with those of the community contributors in developing
1.6 and later releases.
I will wait for feedback until Wednesday, at which point the list will
be created and I will mail the announcement and subscribe address to
this list.


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