Tine 2.0 looks amazing and what's better it led me to find Ext JS.  Now
ZFWiki is going to get a complete makeover (LOL).
It would be great to have a public list of ZF based open source projects. 
PHP leads the way in 3 application areas IMHO
1) Bulletin Boards (phpBB, vBulletin etc.)
2) CMS (Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress etc.)
3) Wiki (MediaWiki, DocuWiki etc.)
It would be great to see similar applications written using ZF for these 3
areas in the future.
One of the greatest strengths I find with ZF is the out-of-the-box SEO
friendly URL's.  In my years developing Mambo this was one of the biggest
requirements and took ages to get it right.  Also trying to code around XSS
etc was also a nightmare, ZF again to the rescue there.
I love ZF :-)


From: Wil Sinclair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2008 23:46
To: Robert Castley; Jurriën Stutterheim
Cc: Zend Framework General
Subject: RE: [fw-general] Announcing Project Planetarium!

I actually have not gotten this impression. In fact, Andi just blogged about
2 ZF-based apps that are finalists in SourceForge's Community Choice Awards
(Magento and Tine 2.0 if you'd rather not follow the link):
html> .

There are lots of other projects based on ZF, but I can understand why they
may not have gotten a lot of attention:


·         A lot of these projects are actually closed source powering
sites/apps at large companies and organizations. You might be surprised to
find out how widespread it is in the 'enterprise' environment; I bet most of
you use ZF daily without even knowing it. If I had to guess, I'd say this is
because ZF has always taken the difficult position of prioritizing power &
flexibility over usability in the first few hours. This is something that
companies appreciate since they have their requirements at hand when they
are choosing the framework, but OS projects are often built up more
organically from (sometime simple) projects with requirements coalescing
during development. They might not realize that ZF is a good fit for them
from the outset. Like I said- just a guess. J

·         ZF is still relatively young with little more than a year under
our belt since the 1.0 release.

·         A lot of projects actually use ZF components, but don't identify
or advertise themselves as ZF-based. We get back to the question of what
exactly a ZF app is. Ultimately, I don't care as long as people are using
it. ;)

·         We don't have a big-player CMS based on ZF. CMS's seem to almost
reign supreme as the ultimate app in the PHP world and are the lifeblood of
many PHPer's development lives. It's a very different situation in other
communities in my experience, where CMS's are just another class of
applications along with the usual acronym suspects like CRM, ERP, BI, etc. I
think this is just a matter of time on this count.


We would definitely love to have a list of ZF-based projects on the ZF site.
Please, everyone, let me know if you have a project of your own and a link!




From: Robert Castley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 3:09 PM
To: Jurriën Stutterheim
Cc: Zend Framework General
Subject: RE: [fw-general] Announcing Project Planetarium!


It's great to see another Open Source ZF app out there.  I thought I was
alone ;-)


I am surprised there hasn't been a bigger take up.  Maybe it is time to have
a page on the ZF site dedicated to promoting and supporting OS ZF apps.


At the moment the trawl of the web turns up little to nothing in regards to
(useful) apps using ZF as the backbone.  Tons of tutorials and howtos yes,
but nothing really functional.


Padraic's blog tutorial has been a really useful resource for me as I
explore the deeper depths of ZF.


I know this is a framework that can be used standalone, MVC etc. but I think
people out there would really benefit from seeing how easily and QUICKLY!
apps can be

put together.


I speak from experience.  My little OS project (ZFWiki) took 2 days to get a
functional prototype out, a few weeks down the line and I have something

that is 'almost' ready to be rolled out internally at the company I work


ZF is amazing, I love it (and the community that helps me understand it
better), but it would be great to see more apps/utils out there that use ZF.


Good luck with your project!


- Robert



From: Pádraic Brady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2008 21:22
To: Jurriën Stutterheim
Cc: Zend Framework General
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Announcing Project Planetarium!

Hi Jurriën,

Not many people are aware of this since it's been going on slowly over a
couple of months, but I've been running a parallel course. I started back in
January (before the chaos of February hit me) prototyping some code for a
future aggregator. It hasn't gone a huge step forward but it's heavily
linked to the ongoing Example Blog Series I've been doing for a while. As an
exercise in kill two birds with one stone it's a good match. In January we
also moved to register the planetzendframework.com domain (and its close
relatives). We considered planetzf.com - but figured zf wasn't obvious
enough and we're all verbose characters anyway. I do know Zend snapped it up
though back in April ;).

Based on the progress to date since I got back to work in May, we were
aiming for a release date out in August/September. Most of the aggregator
scripting I have works but we're missing a completed piece to weed out
duplicate entries and catch additional RSS oddities (both problems are
linked - can't find duplicates if some RSS isn't correctly parsed). Largely
it's been something worked on in those infrequent downtimes a few of us
have. It has ended up being a bit hackish as a result but a cleanup can be
done once it all ticks. We haven't considered it seriously as an open source
work though the growing blog series I'm writing is working towards it. It
still won't be an Aggregator - it's first and foremost a simple one-person
blog app.

I in no way post this to discourage - I think having well executed
(non-hackish) examples of Zend Framework applications is an important part
of establishing common ground on how to put an application together. I'd
suggest following the progress of Zend_Tool to see where it introduces new
conventions while automating project setups and such. I also have no idea
whether Zend plans a planet aggregator site but they do have a domain for a
possible one, but we've had some fun, arguments and laughs building this one
and I will be putting it out there. I guess the last straw on my side was
seeing my own blog kicked off Planet-PHP for being too Zend Framework
oriented (project related blogs are not acceptable on Planet-PHP). That
brought home my own recent motivation to get something up and running where
any ZF related posts are welcome and where I and others can be aggregated
without fear of being booted.

Best of luck,



Pádraic Brady

http://blog.astrumfutura.com <http://blog.astrumfutura.com> 
http://www.patternsforphp.com <http://www.patternsforphp.com> 
OpenID Europe  <http://www.openideurope.eu/> Foundation



----- Original Message ----
From: Jurriën Stutterheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Zend Framework - General <fw-general@lists.zend.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:54:26 PM
Subject: [fw-general] Announcing Project Planetarium!

Hi all,

Today I'm glad to announce project Planetarium to you all!
Some of you might have already heard of Planetarium in the #zftalk.dev  
channel. For those of you that haven't, allow me to get you up to speed.
Planetarium is a blog aggregator much like the one used for Planet  
PHP. It differs from existing aggregators in the fact that it makes  
use of the Zend Framework to accomplish its task.
There are basically two reasons why we decided to setup a new project.  
For one, this piece of software can serve as an example to demonstrate  
a fully operational Zend Framework based application to the world.
Also, Zend is looking to set up a central place where Zend Framework  
developers can read all Zend Framework related blog posts. What better  
software to use for Zend Framework related articles than a Zend  
Framework based application? ;)

At the moment of writing the project is still in its infant stages and  
not much code is written yet. There's a small requirements  
specification in the project's SVN, for those of you who want to read  
about Planetarium in more detail.
I want to encourage you - the Zend Framework community -  to join us  
in developing this great new product. You can contribute even by just  
hanging around in our IRC channel and discussing ideas or you could  
decide to help out with documentation or some coding. This project is,  
like the Zend Framework is, a real community effort and will be  
released with the same generous BSD license as the Zend Framework  

For more information, have a look at the links posted at the bottom of  
this email.

See you on IRC or the mailing lists!

- Jurriën

P.S.: The promised links:
SF.net <http://SF.net>  project page:
Mailing lists: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=234479
Requirements specification:
IRC: #planetarium @ irc.freenode.net <http://irc.freenode.net> 

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