Thanks for suggestions.
Btw I think he was more refering to frontcontroller plugin rather than action helpers.

till wrote:
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Jani Hartikainen
What I would do is perhaps create a controller plugin which runs once for
each request. It could gather any parameters for the request, the URL used
and any other info you might want, and then store it in DB/FS/whatever.

If that data is stored with timestamps etc., you could later construct a
click trail from it and such

That's a good idea, I forgot what it's called... the action stack?
Something like that, it should be on the manual - how to add to it and
what it's good for. :)

You could also do a base controller and extend the other controllers
from it and do something in init() or predispatch()?


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