
Mon problème se situe au niveau des données qui sont issues de la base de
données et donc les caractères spéciaux s'affichent mal. Peux-tu me dire
comment tu as procédé?

Merci d'avance!


quazardous wrote:
> hi,
> I m french and I want to use character encoding with zf...
> So my question is : what's the good stategy between db/input/output
> components ...
> => fot database it seams easy :
> define an internal_encoding and a database_encoding ans subclass
> Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql (ie for Mysql Pdo) :
> ----------
> class Encoding_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql
> {
> protected $_internalEncoding;
> protected $_databaseEncoding;
> ....
> }
> ---------
> overwrite query and fetch functions with mbstring stuff...
> => for inputs ust subclass zend_filter in the same way.j
> => but for outputs it's not so simple :
> using mbstring.encoding_translation On is not very clean :
> - side border effect on zf implementation (Zend_Cache uses ob_start)
> - too much server side
> ...
> I m thinking about using a Encoding_Dummy_Cache_Frontend_Page class...
> This class will just use ob_start with a mb_string callback function...
> And subclassing Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page in Encoding_Cache_Frontend_Page
> to overwrite the function _flush() with some mbstring stuff....
> your advise ?

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