OK, I can see how this would be a problem if you logged user agents in the
database, someone sent an SQL injection attempt, and you didn't use prepared
statements or escape those values.  But... uh... how is PHP "injection"
supposed to do anything?  Is someone eval-ing the user agent or what?  Maybe
I'm missing something.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Terre Porter

> Hey all,
> Just thought I'd pass on this observation though not related directly to
> the
> framework but this happens to be the only list I'm on anymore.
> Anyways, I've been monitoring a large influx of code injection attempts by
> inserting php code in the server variables, HTTP_USER_AGENT mostly. These
> sometimes are included with a URL Injection attempt but not always.
> Also for those out there who have some CF or ASP (I think) there are a lot
> of the following being appended to page requests. Trimmed but should make
> the point...
> =CAST(0x4445...%20AS%20CHAR(4000));EXEC(@S
> );
> Just as a reminder to everyone to write more secure code.
> Here are some numbers from a smaller site I'm logging, avg 2500 visitors a
> day.
> Date..............#
> 01/Sep/2008       86
> 02/Sep/2008      119
> 03/Sep/2008       56
> 04/Sep/2008       31
> 05/Sep/2008       93
> 06/Sep/2008       84
> 07/Sep/2008      129
> 08/Sep/2008      141
> 09/Sep/2008       47
> 10/Sep/2008      136
> 11/Sep/2008       96
> 12/Sep/2008      140
> 13/Sep/2008      200
> 14/Sep/2008      250
> 15/Sep/2008      130
> 16/Sep/2008       36
> URL Injection attempts from 1773 unique ip addresses. (that's a few
> infected
> machines)
> These numbers don't count all the HTTP_USER_AGENT code injection attempts
> as
> those are getting blocked but .htaccess currently.
> Just wanted to let people know the script-kiddy scanners are out playing.
> Terre

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