Sure, I won't disagree with any of your points, but I'm choosing to not "assume" anything. That's why we benchmark.

- Tony

On 9/29/2008 1:41 AM, Karol Grecki wrote:
Rendering views is usually not a bottleneck in any application. Even if Smarty is slow, it should still account for a just a fraction of
total request time.
I'm not big on Smarty so normally I wouldn't hold you back,  but I think
your intentions are misplaced. Performance is the last thing I would worry about in this case. Features and simplicity, that's a different story.


Tony Ford wrote:
Well I'm obviously not going to refactor anything if there is no noticeable performance gain. Hence, my whole entire point of benchmarking in the first place.

Are you asserting its a waste of time to see if zend view is faster than smarty? I have my doubts about how well smarty compiles templates into php. For more complicated templates there could be a decent difference between the php smarty produces and what a seasoned web developer can write using zend view. And let's not dismiss a lot of the nice feature benefits of zend view over smarty, especially some of the integration with other zend framework components, dojo, and the active continued development of zend view. You have to be honest that feature wise, in the long term, zend view is more attractive than smarty.

 - Tony

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