> One of the issues with the various server components is that they all
> rely on reflection. One idea I've had is to refactor them to allow
> caching all the metadata needed to store method signatures and map them
> to class methods so that after the initial request, reflection is not
> necessary. I'm still scoping the work necessary to do so, however, and
> it may or may not make it into the 1.7.0 release.

Thanks for the response. I guess I was confused about why three simultaneous
requests would slow down the response time so much. I would think that
they'd each be served in a different apache process (The PID of the process
in those log lines is in the brackets after the timestamp), and as such,
shouldn't really affect each other. Should they? Or is it simply a CPU
capacity / disk IO problem? If all requests took as much time as the single
request alone, I think it would be good to go. Is this more of an apache
tuning issue?

thanks for an advice,
- hoopes

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