On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 10:38 AM, Matt Hoopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One of the issues with the various server components is that they all
>> rely on reflection. One idea I've had is to refactor them to allow
>> caching all the metadata needed to store method signatures and map them
>> to class methods so that after the initial request, reflection is not
>> necessary. I'm still scoping the work necessary to do so, however, and
>> it may or may not make it into the 1.7.0 release.
> Matthew,
> Thanks for the response. I guess I was confused about why three
> simultaneous requests would slow down the response time so much. I would
> think that they'd each be served in a different apache process (The PID of
> the process in those log lines is in the brackets after the timestamp), and
> as such, shouldn't really affect each other. Should they? Or is it simply a
> CPU capacity / disk IO problem? If all requests took as much time as the
> single request alone, I think it would be good to go. Is this more of an
> apache tuning issue?
> thanks for an advice,
> - hoopes

Hi again,
Let's say you were going to start work to cache certain parts from
Zend/XmlRpc/Server.php. Where would you start? I'm just trying to hack
together something on my system to increase performance, but I don't seem to
be moving ahead too quickly. Anyone have any hints of where to start to get
the biggest bang for my development buck?

- hoopes

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