Can someone please confirm if this is the expected behaviour please or simply
if I am doing something wrong? Thanks. :)

drj201 wrote:
> I have a front controller plugin to override the default behavior of
> Zend_Layout via Zend_Layout::startMvc like so:
> class MyApp_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout extends
> Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout
> {
>     public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
>     {         
>         switch ($request->getModuleName())
>         {                                     
>                       case 'admin':
>                               $this->_moduleChange('admin');
>                               break;
>                       case 'module2':
>                               $this->_moduleChange('module2');
>                               break;
>                       // Use default Layout
>         }
>     }
>     protected function _moduleChange($moduleName)
>     {
> $this->getLayout()->setLayoutPath(dirname(dirname($this->getLayout()->getLayoutPath()))
> . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules/' . $moduleName . '/views/layouts');
>               $this->getLayout()->setLayout($moduleName);
>               return;
>       }
> }
> Im experiencing unexpected behaviour with the above and the use of
> modules. The above works fine for calls to http://my-app/controller-name
> (controllers in the default directory) and works fine for modules (and
> their controllers) that exist i.e. http://my-app/module-name or
> http://my-app/module-name/controller-name. 
> When navigating to http://my-app/does-not-exist or
> http://my-app/module-name/does-not-exist I am getting the wrong path
> returned in the setLayoutPath. It seems that when the Error Controller is
> called the Zend_Layout::startMvc plugin is called again (calling the
> plugin on preDispatch twice builds an incorrect path to use for the layout
> script)!
> Investigating further by simply echoing some text in the preDispatch
> function of the plugin (crude test I know) it appears that when navigating
> to a path that does not exist (i.e. no controller) the text is echoed
> twice! Is this default behaviour i.e. when ErrorController is called so is
> the plugin?
> Thanks in advance for any insight! However small!
> Regards,
> Dave

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