Hi Matthew,

That's truly exciting news, to have the Cal overhere in the Netherlands. Chances are that we get to see more of him then!



Matthew Ratzloff schreef:
Ah, OK.  Thanks for the response.

FYI, last month Cal accepted a job in the Netherlands. I'm sure that's probably holding up your proposal.



On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Bart McLeod <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Sorry Matt, for seeing your question so late.

    I would like to write a tutorial on devzone about those tricks,
    but my proposal about that is still under review (Matthew, Cal?).

    It comes down to delegating the responsibility for adding
    decorators to a small set of classes that know how to add
    decorators well. They are organized in such a way that you can
    group form elements in any way your like, without having to worry
    about decorators. If you require a new way of grouping elements,
    you extend one of those classes to suit your needs and never have
    to worry about decorators again. The tricky part is, that with
    jquery (and dojo?), these classes will have to check if a jquery
    decorator is present and preserve that. After I arranged this, I
    still got the error of argument 4 not being an array. The solution
    to that is in my mail posted earlier today.



    Matthew Ratzloff schreef:

        It would have been nice if this element would have been
        completely compatible with all the tricks I play.

    What tricks are those?


    On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Bart McLeod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        Hi Benjamin,

        Yes and no. I know where to look to find out what is
        happening. It would have been nice if this element would have
        been completely compatible with all the tricks I play. For
        now, just close the bugreport. If I find a compatibility
        issue later, that I can describe more properly, I will let
        you know.

        At the moment, I am a little sad that using jquery directly
        is simpler than using its'  ZF integrated counterpart. I was
        expecting the opposite...but I will not give up yet.



        Benjamin Eberlei schreef:
so this is not at all ZendX_JQuery related? its due to your own form implementation? i have already created a bug report, i will close it then if you can confirm that.

        On Thursday 23 October 2008 23:31:41 Bart McLeod wrote:
        By now, I found that the error is due to some internal magic I use for
        my forms. Still a strange error.
        I was able to use a ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_Datepicker, named 'begin'
        in a regular form that has no magic to it.


        Bart McLeod schreef:
        Hi all,

                $elem = new ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_DatePicker("begin",
        "12.12.2007", array(), array());
                $elem->setJQueryParam('dateFormat', 'dd.mm.yy');

        *Catchable fatal error*: Argument 4 passed to
        ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_DatePicker::datePicker() must be an array,
        null given in
        *E:\ZendFramework\library\ZendX\JQuery\View\Helper\DatePicker.php* on
        line *54


                $elem = new ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_DatePicker("*begin1*",
        "12.12.2007", array(), array());
                $elem->setJQueryParam('dateFormat', 'dd.mm.yy');

        gets a datepicker. See the difference? The id! The id cannot be called
        'begin'. It can be called 'begin1'. Maybe there is something in my
        form magic that it causing this. So I should try this without any
        magic, in a very simple form. Wanted to share it with you before I


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