Well, you can create a new Filter, which converts empty strings into null and add it to the the form

Grotevant, Paul F escreveu:
I'm developing a Zend_Form class which will feed data into a MySQL table
through a Zend_Db table class.

There are a number of fields on this form that are optional, and which I
want to default to NULL in the database if they are not filled in. However,
I was finding that the empty values from the form were being inserted into
the db table as empty strings, rather than NULLs (this was true even if
those fields were disabled, meaning that there were no values for them in
the POST data -- $form->getValues() returns zero-length strings rather than

After some head-scratching, I realized that it was the StringTrim and
HtmlEntities filters that were turning those fields into zero-length
strings, which by turn get inserted into the db table as zero-length strings
instead of NULL.

I can take the filters off of those form elements and get the desired result
in my database, but that leaves me with a form that's potentially vulnerable
to cross-site scripting attacks.

Any thoughts?


Felipe Weckx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MT4 Tecnologia
(11) 3064-3226

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