
Thanks, that was a great, easy solution.


On 11/7/08 4:39 AM, "Felipe Weckx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, you can create a new Filter, which converts empty strings into
> null and add it to the the form
> Grotevant, Paul F escreveu:
>> > I'm developing a Zend_Form class which will feed data into a MySQL table
>> > through a Zend_Db table class.
>> >
>> > There are a number of fields on this form that are optional, and which I
>> > want to default to NULL in the database if they are not filled in. However,
>> > I was finding that the empty values from the form were being inserted into
>> > the db table as empty strings, rather than NULLs (this was true even if
>> > those fields were disabled, meaning that there were no values for them in
>> > the POST data -- $form->getValues() returns zero-length strings rather than
>> > NULLs).
>> >
>> > After some head-scratching, I realized that it was the StringTrim and
>> > HtmlEntities filters that were turning those fields into zero-length
>> > strings, which by turn get inserted into the db table as zero-length
>> strings
>> > instead of NULL.
>> >
>> > I can take the filters off of those form elements and get the desired
>> result
>> > in my database, but that leaves me with a form that's potentially
>> vulnerable
>> > to cross-site scripting attacks.
>> >
>> > Any thoughts?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Paul
>> >
>> >
> --
> Felipe Weckx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> MT4 Tecnologia
> (11) 3064-3226

Paul Grotevant / Web Technologies Team
ITS Applications / University of Texas at Austin

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