You are going to have to do this with Javascript. I'm trying to build the
ultimate example of how you do dependent dropdowns using Zend + Dojo, and
I've got it so far to the point where it works when adding a new record, but
when you try to edit data, the $form->populate method fails to build a
dropdown appropriately when using a Dojo datastore (which is the recommended
way of doing dependent dropdown menus). So far I've been unable to work it
out, and a few posts to this mailing list haven't turned anything up yet,
but if/when I eventually work it out, I'll be building a detailed
demonstration of how to do it.

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 12:56 AM, Mantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey everyone
> I am working with ZF 1.6.2 and I'm trying to select something from one
> select element and then enable a second select element.
> I tried it as follows, but there are two problems. First of all go() does
> not know $fach2 and if I try to simply echo a random number it shows this
> one already when loading the page and does not change it when changing the
> select value. Can anyone help me with this? I would rather not try it with
> JavaScript, but if there is no other solution, please post this one, too.
> Thanx!
> function go()
> {
>        $fach2->disable = true; //does not know $fach2
>        //echo random number
>        //srand();
>        //echo rand();
> }
> public function __construct($options = null)
> {
>        parent::__construct($options);
>        $this->setAttrib('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
>        $this->setName('upload_form');
>        $fach = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('fach');
>        $fach->setLabel("Fach:")
>                 ->setName('fach')
>                 ->setAttrib('id', 'fach')
>                 ->setAttrib('onChange', $this->go());
>        $fach2 = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('fach2');
>        $fach2->disable = true;
>        $fach2->setLabel("Fach2:")
>                  ->setName('fach2')
>                  ->setAttrib('id', 'fach2');
>        $this->addElements(array($fach, $fach2));
> }
> Would be great if someone could help me. Thanx
> Mantz
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