On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Marko Korhonen
> Hi,
> I use "class" attribute to "bind" FCKeditor to textarea fields.
> Example (I use ini files):
> ; content element
> form.elements.content.type = "textarea"
> form.elements.content.options.required = true
> form.elements.content.options.label = "Content"
> form.elements.content.options.attribs.class = "editor"
> And in my global JavaScript (jQuery example):
> ta = $(".editor"); // find all textareas with editor class
>        $.each(ta, function(i, textarea){
>                var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor(textarea.name);
>                oFCKeditor.BasePath     = baseUrl +"js/fckeditor/";
>                oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = "Basic"; // Here you could make some 
> logic how to
> set different toolbarset, maybe adding more classes to the textarea?
> class="editor Default"
> // if ($(textarea).hasClass("Default")) oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = "Default"
>                oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea();
>        })
> And of course I add fckeditor.js to my actions where I render forms.
> br,
> Marko

Just wanted to second Marko's solution since I did almost the same.
Almost because I had a single text field and used an ID to bind
fckeditor - $('#wysiwyg'). ;-) (The ID selector should be slightly
faster in that case.)

So far this seems to be the most clean integration between Zend_Form
and fckeditor. No hacking necessary. :-)


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