I would like to figure this out:
On my index.phtml page is a link:
------------------------------- index.phtml
<?=$this->jQuery ();?>
                                                        array('update' => 
                                          'noscript' => false,
                                          'method' => 'POST'));
----------------------------- end of index.phtml

DIV contentJ is somwhere within same index.phtml page.

This function calling my helloAction inside indexController where i have:
------------------------ part of indexController-
$news = $db->fetchAll ( $newssql );
$this->view->news = $news;
------------------------ end

and my hello.phtml view script showing:
---------------------------- hello.phtml
<?php foreach ( $this->news as $news ) :?>
<?php echo $news['date'].' - '.$news['postedBy']?> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<?php echo $this->ajaxLink( 
                                                        "[ Edit ]", 
                                                        array(  'id' => 'edit',
'update' => '#contentJ',
'noscript' => false,
'method' => 'POST'));
<?php echo $this->ajaxLink( 
                                                        "[ Delete ]", 
                                                        array(  'id' => 
'update' => '#contentJ',
'noscript' => false,
'method' => 'POST'));
<?php echo $news['newsText']?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
----------------------------------end of hello.phtml

SO far you can see that i tried to create 2 links inside hello.phtml. All
data are displayed, but [ Edit ] and [ Delete ] links are not links at all,
just plain text. 
Is it possible to make them as ajaxLink within given container (contentJ)
and clicking on them, new content is pulled in contentJ div?

Thanks a lot,

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