
I am currently thinking about the best practice for handling forms,
models, validators and filters with the Zend Framework.

Think of a user model with username, emailaddress and a password fields.
The model uses a Zend_Db_Table object for data storage. The username
field should only contain alphanumeric values with a length between 4
and 32 signs, the emailaddress field should only contain valid email
addresses and the password must have a minimum length of 10 signs and
should contain at least one char and one number. All fields should be
filtered with a trim and as striptags filter.

This model needs forms for registration, login and update. The
registration form contains all three fields as required fields, the
login form only contains username and password both as required fields
and the update form contains all fields, but the password field is not

Where and how would you define the validator and filter rules?

a) Within the model. If yes, how can the form access these rules?
b) Within the form. If yes, how can the model access these rules
   and does the model really need to access these rules?
c) In both the model and form. Not a good idea to duplicate the
   definitions, I think.
d) Outside of the model and form in definition files (INI, XML). Both
   the model and the form can read these files via Zend_Config
   whenever they need them.
e) Create an object that contains the rule definitions. Both the model
   and form can access this object to get the validation and filter
   rules when needed.
f) maybe your idea...

What do you think?

Thanks and best regards,


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