-- Superbiji » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Wednesday, 03 December 2008, 06:31 PM +0700):
> i've tried to create zend dojo form in Action and it's work nicely
> (using ZF 1.7.1), for example:
>       function dojoformAction() {
>               Zend_Dojo::enableView($this->view);
>               $form = new Zend_Dojo_Form();
>               $form->setMethod("post");
>               $form->setAction("save")
>                       ->setName("myform");
>               $form->addElement('TextBox', "location", 
> array("label"=>"Location",
>                       'propercase' => 1                       
>               ));
>                $form->addElement('SubmitButton',
> 'submit',array('label'=>'Submit'));
>               $this->view->form = $form;
>          }
>         and echoing in view script;
> But.. how to create zend dojo form in View script?  I want "free form"
> placement of elements.. and i can't see $view->form->captureStart()
> method

Use the ViewScript decorator with your form. With that decorator, you
specify a view script for your form -- and then in your action's view
script, you still just do:

    <?= $this->form ?>

The difference is that this will render the view script associated with
the decorator -- and from there, you can do things like you have below.

> for example, in view:
> <? $this->form()->start() ?>
> <br><br><?= $this->textbox("text1", "value", array()) ?>
> <br><br><?= $this->textbox("text2", "value", array()) ?>
> <br><br><?= $this->submitbutton("submit") ?> <?=
> $this->submitbutton("cancel") ?>
> <? // pseudo
> $this->form()->end();
> $this->form()->prefillDefaultValues( $this->rows );
> ?>
> Is this possible..? thanks
> -- 
> Kamus Online - http://kamus.landak.com/

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework           | http://framework.zend.com/

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