> Ralph,
> Looks interesting, "Namespace & PseudoNamespace loading capabilities"
> sounds similar to the class loader I'm using. I think having multiple
> loaders available within ZF is a great idea, but I don't see much need
> for Zend_Loader_Autoloader, as SPL already has good autoloader stack
> management features.

Actually, last time I checked, I didn't see any stack management features.
All I saw was a LIFO stack, which means you have to take special concern in
the order you do you registering.  My solution I was originally working on
would introduce the idea of a stack index that would allow you to register
your autoloader above or beneath other loaders regardless of where in the
code its called from.

So the idea here was simply to be able to manage the ordering of the
autoload stack...  And short circuit known prefixes.

Ideally, this kind of feature would appear in the spl_autoload_* itself :)

> The way I see it working is that a user can either set up the existing
> (or one of the multiple) Zend_Loader's as their autoloader, by calling
> Zend_Loader::registerAutoload(). Or they can create and use their own
> autoloader (eg. My_Loader::registerAutoloader()). My_Loader shouldn't
> have to have anything to do with Zend_Loader, and no other component
> should directly reference Zend_Loader, everything should be done
> through the SPL autoload stack.

Ralph Schindler
Software Engineer     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend Framework        | http://framework.zend.com/

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