
You don't need anything special to do it with Zend.
Just include your bootstrap in a script file and write any code you need.
If your boostrap contains some MVC specific code you may want to extract it
into another file or create a separate bootstrap for scripts etc.
I personally use an application class where mvc components are set up in
their own method separate from config, etc. so I can reuse it in cron
scripts by just calling the stuff I need. 


Vahe Oughourlian wrote:
> Greetings,
>   On our previous project, we had several operations (processing of a  
> job queue, snapshoting, etc) done through a cronjob.  Being that the  
> previous codebase was written in straight php, all the includes and  
> such for connecting to the database and whatnot had to be done by  
> hand, and we had a few problems with certain assumptions (for  
> instance, the inclusion of certain constants) that we had to resolve.
>   I'd like to replicate that functionality with Zend, but I'm not  
> exactly sure how to go about it.  I'd like that all the inits done in  
> the bootstrap be available to this script, but I don't want this  
> operation to be a publicly accessible action through a Controller  
> action.  Any recommendations?
> Thanks,
> jedcred

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