Hey Matt,

I submitted a CLA earlier today, just waiting on the reply :)  I'll get to work 
on the proposal as soon as that's taken care of.

-- A.J. Brown

I'd love to see a proposal and your current work on this, after your CLA is 
signed (if not already).


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:32 PM, A.J. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

I wrote a library for matching IP addresses, ranges, and networks against 
eachother with support for subnet masks, CIDR, and IPv6 a few months ago.  It's 
useful for writing IP filters (firewall-esque) and such.  It uses bitwise 
mathematical calculations to do the matching, so it's quick and solid.

I'd like to adapt it into Zend Framework.  What are your thoughts on creating a 
Zend_Net package?

Here are some quick off-the-top classes I think would be useful:

Zend_Net_Address (for example)
* Class to represent and translate IP addresses (IPv4 -> IPv6 for example)
* Class to represent and translate network addresses
* Class to represent other protocol addresses, such as MAC address
* Class to handle matching an input IP or range against a pool of classes from 
the above examples

quick ex:

$oNetwork = new Zend_Net_Address_Network_IPv4( '', '' );

// give me an array of Zend_Net_Address_Host_IPv4 objects within this network
$aAddressesIp4 = $oNetwork->getAddresses();

// tell me the class of some IPv4 address
$oHost = new Zend_Net_Address_IPv4( $sUserInput );
echo $oHost->getNetworkClass();

// is the address a private address?
echo $oHost->isPrivate() ? 'yes' : 'no';

What are your thoughts?  I can think of a few use-cases where this would be 
useful for rapid development and easy cooperation with the rest of Zend 

-- A.J. Brown
Zend Certfied PHP Engineer
HOME: http://ajbrown.me
BLOG: http://coding-adventures.blogspot.com

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