On Sunday 04 January 2009 18:28:04 Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> Originally, the Y! group was invite only, to keep the discussions
> targetted. Later, it was to ensure that Zend_Tool discussions could be
> found easily -- we're not sure if we'll do an additional list for just
> Zend_Tool in the future or not, but were not prepared to maintain
> another list internally quite yet.

Not to make too much of this but doesn't this rather defeat the purpose of 
having a community project if it splinters off like this in development stage?

For the record, my application to the yahoo group was never replied to, 
whether this was failure of the request to make it to the group admin, or the 
request being ignored by the group admin I have no idea. Either way is a 
situation which I think is self defeating.

In any case, I think it´s a bad precedent to have projects developed off radar 
by an "invite only" group.


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