On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Benjamin Eberlei <kont...@beberlei.de> wrote:
> that is a javascript specific problem. If you load stuff via XHR
> you have to reattach all the events to it, because they have not been
> registered.
> all the content inside the loaded div has not been "dojo eventized" lets call
> it, so no javascript is happening there. you have to reattach all events to
> that specific elements.

Many thanks for the speedy response. I actually did try the
"addOnLoad" calls and "requireModule" calls from within the template,
however, I am obviously missing more of the required glue. Will try
again and share my attempts if I can't go further.

Also: noticed that pastebin is up to 1.3.0 (i was referencing 1.0.0),
so will look there for pointers as well.

Thanks again.

> On Thursday 08 January 2009 12:22:31 Mustafa A. Hashmi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am in the process of switching our application to make use of dojo
>> forms, however, am having some issues with forms which are rendered
>> via xhr requests. In a nutshell:
>> a) Layout is rendered and the index action renders a dojo form which
>> works perfectly fine.
>> b) After submitting the form, the user manually follows a link which
>> calls a JS function and loads the required action template in a
>> specified div.
>> c) The loaded dojo form in the resulting div however doesn't seem to
>> be 'dojo enabled'. The form does render, albeit without any styles or
>> dijit functionality.
>> Please note: initialization of application is based on Matthew Weier
>> O'Phinney's excellent pastebin app.
>> I pasted the relevant sections @: http://www.pastebin.ca/1303381
>> The entire application source can be viewed at:
>>     http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhashmi/zivios/devel/files  (please
>> see the 'installer' module).
>> Also: I had made quite a few attempts to selectively load the required
>> dojo modules (with dojo.addOnLoad), but for some reason I am not
>> getting it right. I am also confused about setting dojo to
>> "declarative" mode in the view template when we have already done so
>> in the predispatch action...
>> Any help would be much appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Mustafa A. Hashmi
> --
> Benjamin Eberlei
> http://www.beberlei.de

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