On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 11:30 AM, GJ Bogaerts <g...@zigg.nl> wrote:
> Mark Wright-3 wrote:
>> I would recommend storing it in the registry, unless you have reasons
>> to tether it to the controller.
> Well, that was my initial idea as well, but I can't seem to get the registry
> to remember the form instance. When I set it in the initial controller and I
> do a Zend_Debug::dump on the registry, I see it loud and clear. But then in
> the next request (after posting) it's gone... really strange.

The registry aims to implement the registry pattern which is not about
persistence. ;-)

If you really need the form everywhere instance, you will have to set
it up in your bootstrap and assign it into your registry there. But I
wouldn't recommend that really.


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