To handle timeout you need to go outside of PHP. I use nginx to do something 
like "add_header Last-Modified $date_gmt" (you can do cache control and Expires 
depending on the files too). nginx's main directives are add_header and 
expires. It does not support Etags (and probably won't since the developer 
doesn't find them worth the trouble :)). With a little more work I can even 
pre-compress the static files with gzip and use ngx_http_gzip_static_module to 
serve those without impacting the CPU.

Those private methods are probably the same ones (or similar) that I met when 
writing my recent blog entries about this proposal. I've added them to the 
proposal as a general refactoring point that is a precondition - they are a 
pain in the ass to work around and I've been using a funky 
bin2hex/pack('H*',...) (insert other validator buster) adapter to work through 

Anyone have other thoughts on the idea? I might put the proposal up during 
tomorrow for further comment.


 Pádraic Brady
OpenID Europe Foundation Irish Representative

From: Nico Edtinger <>
To: Pádraic Brady <>
Cc: Zend Framework General <>;
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 11:50:56 PM
Subject: [fw-general] Re: [zf-contributors] Static HTML Zend_Cache Backend 

I was thinking about something similar myself. The problem is not so much 
getting a static html cache, because that's already possible, but getting a 
predictable filename and an easy way to access the timeout/expiry, without 
using PHP. My goal would be using Lighttpd with a very short Lua script to 
serve a static version, without having to start the PHP interpreter and setting 
the mtime to a future date as expiry. As it was only an idea and I didn't 
really had much time I just took a quick look if that would be possible with 
Zend_Cache, but found out, that methods I'd need are declared as private.


Pádraic Brady wrote:
> Hi all,
> In between writing and actually finishing proposals for a change (Zend_Oauth 
> will be ready this weekend!), I've been putting together some fragments of 
> code I've been using with Zend_Cache over the months.
> At present, Zend_Cache offers the Page Frontend which does a really great 
> job, but there are cases where caching to static HTML files is an option and 
> I would like to propose such an addition. It's not without it's problems, 
> especially since Backend validation seems to be performed by the Frontend 
> (Zend_Cache_Core has a few private static methods), but I can muddle on 
> through :).
> Any comments or ideas are welcome. In the future I may also take a stab at 
> looking into integrating cache control closer to our Controllers, Views and 
> Models since to be honest, the present DIY system has me writing lots of 
> wiring code and managing cache expiry manually in a dozen different ways 
> depending on my mood. I like to think adding better integration would 
> alleviate some of this pain for others.
> Being the writer of mega 4000 word blog posts that I am (think my wrist just 
> fell off...), I've written up a barebones prototype as part of another 
> fabulous put-you-to-sleep blog post. I'll be posting it over the weekend, but 
> if anyone is interested in a quick copy now to see what I'm moaning about, 
> just drop me a line.
> Best regards,
> Paddy
> Pádraic Brady
> OpenID Europe Foundation Irish Representative

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