
I *really* like most of this proposal.  I am currently unsure on how the
UnitOfWork classes handle persistence, but I'll continue to look for code in
this department (Is persistence during a single request or multi-request,
since there is no coupling with Zend_Session I presume everything must
happen in a single request).

Also, you might want to have a look at this proposal (when it comes to the
lazy loading):

As this might solve much of the problems when it comes to mapping to
application layer resources and loading their respective files on demand.


On 1/25/09 9:02 AM, "Benjamin Eberlei" <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I finished up a new proposal that would greatly enhance domain driven
> development with the ZF: A generic data mapper component.
> Its a contrasting proposal to Zend_Db_Table, for handling the underlying
> persistence of your application layer. Its aiming at enterprise developers
> that need to do more than the usually siple BlogPosts <-> Comments <-> Tags
> examples. 
> The core concept is the Record (Entity Pattern) centric datastrcuture, rather
> than the SQL datastructure. You build your applications domain logic of record
> objects that communicate to each other and then persist them into the database
> at the end of your session with following a defined mapping scheme.
> This component therefore tries to achieve the separation of Business logic
> from the underlying persistence.
> comments are greatly appreciated,
> Benjamin

Ralph Schindler
Software Engineer     |
Zend Framework        |

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