On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Robert Castley
<robert.cast...@macro4.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking (begging!) for help/testing/feedback etc etc etc on my JotBug
> project
> http://jotbug.googlecode.com
> So far, I have the following implemented:
> Wiki
>  - Syntax is Textile
>  - Add
>  - Edit
>  - Preview
>  - Delete
>  - Attachments (upload/view)
>  - Code highlighting using Geshi
>  - Macro Plugins
> Tracker
>  - Add
>  - List
>  - View
> Authentication
>  - Dummy Login
>  - SVN browser
>  - SVN viewer - code highlighting using GeSHi
> Mutiple Project Listing
> I am working on e-mail notification and user profile/account settings at the
> moment.
> Thanks in advance.
> - Robert

Maybe you can install a demo somewhere? E.g., for JotBug itself?


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