
Breaking from previous post, I am posting this as a new subject.

I am using Zend_From to display captcha with custom error message.
When I make a wrong entry (intentionally), my custom error message is
not shown when form validates.

Sample code:
        //first create an captcha image
        $captchaimg = New Zend_Captcha_Image('captchaimg');
        $captchaimg->setImgDir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/images/captcha/');

        //create user input for captcha and include the captchaimg in form
        $adcaptcha = New Zend_Form_Element_Captcha('adcaptcha', array(
            'captcha' => $captchaimg));
        $adcaptcha->setLabel('Please enter the letters displayed below:');
        $adcaptcha->addErrorMessage('Entered value did not match with
displayed image.');  <<<<<<< this part <<<<<<<<<


I have checked the HTML code through view source (after validation).
My error message is nowhere to be found in final HTML.

1. Is my way of setting custom error message correct?
2. If yes, why it is not shown? what else needs to be considered?


Registered Linux User #460714
Currently Using Fedora 8, 10

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